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Check The Weighing Sensors Of Belt Scale
1、test the weighing sensors of belt scale ( 1 ) In terminal 15 and 16 is connected to the AC voltage meter( 2 ) When stooping the conveyor,the output is 0 VAC;( 3 ) When starting belt scale,the output is about 3 VAC,the …
Use Frequency Converter To Improve Accuracy Of Belt Scale
Belt scale iswidely used for weighing goods by mining,metallurgy,grain and other companies,belt scale can weigh real time in the process of delivering the goods,get the transport component through flow calculation,then re…
The Quality Of Belt Weigh Scale Will Also Directly Affect The Measurement Accuracy
To ensure the accuracy of a high-quality belt weigh scale depends largely on the determination of installation occasions and the correct installation and use,more emphasis on the accuracy of its work,more particularly imp…
The Measurement Accuracy Of Belt Weigher Is Related To The Installation Environment
The measurement accuracy of belt weigher is not only related to the quality of the product,but is also closely related to the installation environment,and this point is often ignored by users.Today,I listed a few requirem…