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How To Use Belt Scale To Make It More Accurate
author:admin    Released:2014-06-27 10:22:56

It needs to select belt scale that the belt tension changes small.If drive end is closer to the belt,the belt tension is greater and the change is greater,it is not suitable for installing belt scale;while at the driven end of the belt,the belt tension is small and the change is small,it is relatively stable,so it is suitable to install belt scale at the driven end of the belt.The belt has been done anti-deviation adjustment when installing,and adopt anti-deviation measures in operation.


1、The stiffness and hardness change of the belt is related to the climate and wear,and if zeroing on time,it is able to overcome.


2、The natural wear of the belt forms the change of the weight can be overcame by zeroing on time,the ash and the materials of the scale frame can be overcame by strengthening the protection.


3、It can be selected to repair regularly and zero on time to overcome the effect of the climate elements change,through the proper device to reduce stress .


4、Use the sheltered device to adopt windproof approach.