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What Routine Maintenance Work Of Belt Scale Should To Do?
author:admin    Released:2014-07-02 10:16:57

Due to belt scale is mainly used to measure the bulk solid materials,therefore,belt scale should be done various maintenance work in use,the purpose is to improve the using life of belt scale,but also to ensure the measurement accuracy of belt scale.


The routine maintenance work of belt scale:


1、clean:Although belt scale itself does not have a belt,but it is really matched with the belt conveyor to use,so keep the surface of the belt clean during use,remove dust regularly,especially the weighing bridge,and the materials on weighing area and roller speed;


2、the materials stuck on the belt:Avoid overly wet materials stuck on the belt,if the materials stuck on the belt,it should use the cleaning equipment to clean up the materials promptly,and keep the belt clean;


3、lubrication:Because belt scale is roller structure,the weighing roller should be lubricated once or twice every year,but after lubrication,it may change tare and scale calibration section,so you also need to re-calibrate the zero;


4、the belt load:The belt load should be adjusted in the range of the belt scale instrument,the instantaneous load should not exceed 125% of the range,it is suggested that the load of belt scale is about 50% to 80% of the range,too low or too high flow all will affect the measurement accuracy of belt scale;


5、the tension of the belt:It is very important to remain the tension of the belt constant,so to use heavy hammer or tensioning type tensioning device on all the conveyors;if there is no tensioning device,when the tension of the belt changes,it needs to re-calibrate;


6、adjust the belt:In the case of no-load and load operation,keep the belt conveyor running along the center line of the conveyor,if it appears deviation phenomenon,it need to use the anti deviation roller to adjust.