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What Is The Structure Of Belt Scale
author:admin    Released:2014-07-07 10:18:15

What structure do belt scale consist of:


1、the loader:load bearing parts of belt scale;


2、the belt conveyor:use the belt of the supporting roller to transport the materials;


3、the weighing units:belt scale provides the device under test load quality information;


4、the cumulative display:accept the information of the accumulator and the device displays for the quality of the transporting load;


5、the displacement sensor:provide a corresponding means on the conveyor belt scale for a given length of displacement information;


6、the displacement measuring device:is a part of the displacement sensor,which is always kept in contact with the belt or is connected with the driving pulley;


7、the accumulator: the device completes the cumulative load through the information provided by the weighing units and the displacement sensor;