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Why Are The Installation Requirements Of Belt Weigher So Important?
author:admin    Released:2014-07-28 10:43:12

The installation requirements of belt weigher,today briefly analyzed from two aspects,one is the environment,the other is the requirements the device itself.


What are the requirements of belt weigher for the environment:


1、Belt weigher should be installed away from the wind,rain,exposure to the environment;


2、Belt weigher should be installed far away from the vibration source,corrosive gases,strong magnetic field and large electrical equipment interference;


What are the requirements of belt weigher for the device itself:


1、Belt weigher should be installed to ensure horizontal and vertical level;


2、Belt weigher shall not occur any relationship with the belt when installing;


3、When installing belt scale should use independent mounting bracket or platform,and the mounting bracket or platform must be stable and level;


4、When using turbine worm reducer,it should be installed in horizontal level,and at the upper end,belt scale installation requirements;


5、Belt weigher must be installed on the same body platform with the scale body,and strictly prohibit drive motor using independent mounting bracket,then it should be installed to ensure that the drive motor and belt weigher to maintain a good driving roller shaft concentricity .