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The Common Faults And Handling Methods Of Belt Scale
author:admin    Released:2014-09-22 11:56:52

The equipment will have failure if used for a long time,it is can hardly be avoided,so is belt scale.


1、Whether the load transmitter is with power supply,whether the transmitter is damaged,whether the 4-20mA transmitter output current is to the PLC module,whether the module sampling resistor is correct.


2、Check whether the load sensor has significant deformation,whether the installation position is correct,whether there is a foreign body stuck,whether there is pressure transmitter,whether there is mv signal output.


3、Check whether the metering roller is in the card slot,whether there is metering roller bearings collapse,whether there is a foreign body in a movable frame and the action stuck.


4、Whether the inverter parameters have been modified,(minimum,maximum frequency,if the inverter is in manual mode,etc.).


5、The inverter or the program occur failure,the inverter power off,reboot to observe the operation.