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The Prerequisite To Ensure The Normal Operation Of Belt Weigher
author:admin    Released:2013-11-04 14:15:39

If belt scale wants a long running,it is necessary to carry out inspection,maintenance and repair.but what to do in order to ensure the normal operation of the belt weigher? We look at what is specific work .


It should be regularly checked in the maintenance of the drive roller surface pattern rubber wear,if it is found wear more serious,it should be replaced soon;and appropriate to increase the weight of iron,in order to increase the wrap angle of the tape and the drum,to achieve the purpose of not slip.Detection roller speed and hydraulic coupling device oil,to prevent the transmission of torque is too small.

Overloaded conveyor operation will seriously affect the reliability and service life of the tape,it is absolutely not allowed.Currently,most air-cushion belt conveyor are equipped with overload protection device.The main reason caused overload is power outage or short-term excessive flow,belt conveyor overload caused overloading parking facilities,as well as overload relay failure caused misuse.

In order to avoid friction between the belt and the roller arising from insufficient friction,the way of increasing the branching tension and increasing traction coefficient can be taken to improve the traction coefficient of the drive means.However,this method requires a relatively high intensity of the conveyor belt weigher,so more used to increase the coefficient of friction and increase the wrap angle of approach to improve traction.