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What Are The Test Methods Of Belt Weigh Scale?
author:admin    Released:2013-12-25 10:38:28

After working for a period of time,we need to test belt weigh scale to improve the accuracy and efficiency,for different metering devices,the test methods are also different,each test method has its advantages and disadvantages,here we simply analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various test methods of belt weigh scale:

Firstly,using online physical detection test: the physical detection methods is the use of a physical device as a control instrument,the detection accuracy of this method is the highest,the disadvantage is the high acquisition cost of the physical detection device;

Secondly,using off-line physical detection test: use a instrument which is certificated as a control instrument,such as floor scale,specific detection method is to put in a fixed time scale materials collected through the belt up to the control where the weighing scales do comparison,use the weighing data to correct the errors of belt weigh scale,the disadvantage is that it is very troublesome to collect the materials, but the accuracy of this method is only after the online physical detection test;

Thirdly,using the chain code calibration detection: use of recycled chain code simulation materials to test belt weigh scale,it is the most commonly used method for the detection of belt weigh scale,the advantage is easy and can save a lot of time,but the disadvantage is that the detection accuracy is not as good as the physical detection test;

Fourthly,hanging code detection: use hang code to simulation materials to test belt weigh scale,the detection accuracy of this method is the lowest,if the belt weigh scale is used for the purpose of trade settlement and energy measurement,it is recommended to detect the use of such way.

The methods of testing belt scale are many,but each method has its advantages and disadvantages,the materials conveyed by belt scale are generally solid bulk materials,the most common and simple detection method is to use chain code calibration test,which is save time and effort,and its accuracy error is also not great.