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The Installation Tips Of Belt Weigher
author:admin    Released:2014-06-03 11:19:39

It is not to say that belt weigher manufacturers just produce good belt weigher,and we also need pay some attention during the process of installation,not only for belt weigher can be normally used after installation,but also more importantly is related with the level of measurement precision;next we will share you with the installation tips of belt weigher:


1、Roller groove angle of belt scale should not be too large,it is best not more than 20°;


2、The tension of conveyor belt changes:belt scale is not just choose a location to install,but you need to install the belt scale where the local variation of conveyor tension is minimum,so belt scale is preferably mounted on the end of the conveyor,in order to reduce the impact of the material guiding board in contact with the conveyor belt;


3、The point that belt conveyor with a concave line tangent with a concave curve should be at least 12 meters away from the scale,if belt scale installed on the belt conveyor with concave curve and can not consider the above size limits,the belt scale should be installed in a straight line of the conveyor and outside the entire loading area,there are at least two sets of the rollers in contact with the belt in the front and the end of the scale;


4、Compared with curve segment,belt conveyor with convex segment,the horizontal weighing condition of belt conveyor is better,but if belt scale must be on the curve segment,it is recommended that the belt between the loading point and the scale should not be of the arc in the vertical direction;


5、Unloader:In any one of the more important device in the weighing accuracy,the weighing system should not be installed on belt conveyor that is equipped with a movable unloader.If belt scale must be installed on belt conveyor that is equipped with a movable unloader,you can move the unloader to the head to ensure the distance that is proposed above,what's more,it should be paid special attention to the all kinds of unloading feeder configurations,to ensure that the belt is running in the center of the weighing segment.


If you want to know more information about belt weigher,please continue to visit the website or call our hotline,our staff will answer your questions.